Christopher Cascio
April 21 - May 26, 2012
When you get to the root of Christopher Cascio’s work you uncover a troubling scenario. He makes no secret of his history with mind-altering substances, and he clearly has a propensity for hoarding. Combine these tendencies with an intense creative impulse and you’ve got a uniquely twisted art form--collages that tell a very personal story of habitual consumption and compulsive collecting.
A Cascio collage is not your typical cut and paste arrangement of magazine clippings…though his craft is as painstaking as that of a master quilt maker. He seeks out images that directly relate to his own experiences then prints, cuts, and organizes them into categorical compositions. The remnants of these cuttings meticulously saved for futures unknown. In his series of sticker collages the process is more immediate, but equally obsessive, as he saves and arranges price tags from a vigorous collection of used music cd’s. The same enthusiasm drives his beer label collages.
The artist’s youthful passions provide a source for his work, the evidence of which is carefully collected, aestheticized and exposed for our viewing pleasure.